Saturday, May 30, 2009


This past couple of months have been quite traumatic ones. When my elder brother passwed on at the end of March it fell to me to arrange a Memorial Service in England, where we have quite a few relatives and he has many colleagues and friends. This took longer than expected and, once finalised, the ground work also took a lot longer and was more involved than I expected. It is on the 6th June, three days after the 43 year anniversay after the passing of our father and is to be held at the Asfordby All Saints Church in Melton Mowbray. The church has been a feature of the village for some 600 years and it was here that our mother and father where married and where we were christened. In addition, our mother's Memorial Service was held a few years ago.

It brings back quite a few memories, od course, and as I have been elected to pay tribute to Keith it has been evry much on my mind.

In addition, I have been very much involved with the Orgone Generator experiment, growing vegetables within the area covered by these generators. A sample of what to expect is this photograph taken at my daughter's allotment of two radishes that have just been taken from the ground. The smaller is the same size as one finds on a supermarket shelf. The larger is from the allotment. Normally, when a radish grows this big it becomes woody and the taste deteriorates. In this case we found that the radish is amazingly tasty and had quite a strong flavour.

It will be interesting to see what happens in my nano-garden.

Radishes growing in the nano-garden.

In addition, I have been studying the Ringing Cedars of Russia Series of books and DVD's and this has been an amazing experience. They have influenced my thinking to such an extent that I have modified the way in which I hope to accomplish the Ko'ox Tun project.

Incidentally, I was amazed when I "Googled" "koox tun" and "Ralpapajan." Some years ago when I first compiled my pen name (an acronym of the first letters of my family's first names) there were, of course, no entries. Now there are 10 pages. When I decided on Ko'ox Tun there were 4 entries (Swatch watches; now there are 553!

Have a look for your selves and also go to "Images" and have a look at some of the sites mentioned there.

Love to everyone. More will come.

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